
Newspaper Development

I have created a heading in photoshop using the font Gill Sans Ultra Bold. I have used capitals to emphasise the importance of this text and the red again represents the fact the newspaper is Essex based. I have used several effects on my title in order to make it appear similar to a logo that would attract attention, than ordinary text. I have used the effects of drop shaddow, bevel and emboss, in order to make it more visually attractive and appealing. The shaddow ensures this text will stand out from the other headings and text. I will place this text onto a background to ensure the text stands out more.

This was the first draft of my University Newspaper. This draft remains unfinished however the layout is roughly how it will be when finished. I have the masthead of my newspaper at the top right of the page, as I feel centring it will lose the newspaper valuable space on each side, which can be used for other aspects such as lures or smaller articles. I have used a black box out in order to ensure the red stands out and attracts potential readers. Underneath the masthead is a small heading acting as a subtitle. It is placed to the right and reads "Essex's Leading Student Newspaper". This clears up any misunderstandings from the title by telling the readers what the subject is. I have ensured the theme of red is continued throughout my front page by having vertical and horizontal lines which split texts featured in red. The theme of red is also used in one of my lures, a student deal. To attract readers I have included a meal deal for a restaurant on the upcoming holiday Valentine’s Day. This will provide readers with an incentive to purchase or pick up this newspaper. I used a Valentines font from www.dafont.com to provide the hearts. The grey boxes are where I will copy the pictures I have taken into. All the articles currently have the same heading as at the time of the draft I had only brainstormed one. I have now written half of the text that will be used on the front cover. As this is my first draft, many aspects of this have changed since. I have yet to take the pictures for my lures, which will be based on fashion, music, and another social event. These pictures will be placed over the red box at the bottom to continue the theme, and ensure they stand out.

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