in the second of my designs I have changed the layout in order to make it look more appealing and intriguing. I think this design works well as you can still see all the text clearly enough. The '10' has been arranged behind the letters so it doesn't blur the text. Overall I think this layout is good, and looks more appealing than my first draft.
this is the third design of my advertisement and I have edited the text in order to make it more attractive, as well as trying a new layout. On the text of the 'big', 'steps' and 'bars' I have used the effects of bevel and emboss. It has given the text another dimension and it seems more visually appealing. I have featured 'BEST' in a bigger font to emphasise the view of the article, it will be positive not negative. I have edited this text by using bevel and emboss, and adding an outer glow. The new layout does not leave much surplus space and is able to be seen clearly. I have also added a pale gray to the background in the hope that the text stands out more.
this design featured the same text effects as previous, however the background has been changed to be of different textures and gradients of colour. I feel this design is suitable for an advert as it includes the colour scheme of my newspaper, whilst remaining attractive and enticing. The font effects and sizes have remained the same.
Due to the image size being too small, I decided not to use these in my newspaper. I opted for a simpler design which I felt was effective.However doing this has helped me to gain more knowledge of photoshop.
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