
The Epigram - Bristol University's independent student newspaper

This newspaper can be seen to display many technical features of a typical newspaper. We are immediately drawn to the masthead, 'Epigram' which is the largest, boldest text on the page. This ensures the reader is drawn to the newspaper. We are then drawn to the main story of the page, called the splash. We can see the lead story contains an image, headline, caption, introductory text and the credits of the writer and photographer. The picture may intrigue the readers to read the article, then the paper. Within this article, the caption briefly sums up the content of the article for readers who have little time or arn't particularly interested in this article. There has been a tag used to attract readers to this, by using the powerful word 'demand', implying conflict which would make readers curious. A secondary lead is featured on the right hand side of the page, with another caption used, and a smaller amount of text. The headline for this article is in smaller font than the lead story, as not to distract from the main story. Pugs are used on the left hand side of the page, where the issue number and date is featured. As this is placed on solid turquoise lines, this part stood out to me. Another pun used is the 'EXCLUSIVE MEAL DEAL' featured on the top right hand side of the page. As this newspaper is aimed at students who need to save money, meal deals will attract this audience. I hope to include something like this on my front page. It is also featured in alternate colours to the newspaper colour scheme, which appears to be black, blues and greens. A lure is used at the bottom of the newspaper to draw in readers who arn't necassarily willing to read the main articles. By featuring popular subjects of music, fashion and british life this will attract a different reader, ensuring the widest range of students read the newspaper. Each article contains information detailing which page the full article can be found on.
I think this is a successfull university newspaper as it manages to attract a range of interests, therefore a wider audience. Its appearance is clean cut and modern, with a small amount of colour used to ensure the page isn't dull, but not too overpowering. The masthead is obvious, as well as which stories are meant to be of greater importance. I think the layout of this newspaper works well, including the pug at the top right of the newspaper. There are also two horizontal lines used to seperate to the masthead section, and then the lure section. This means the articles are positioned central to the newspaper. The only factor I feel could be improved was the seperation of texts from each article, as they could be mixed up.

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